Antihero Wiki

Master Thief[ | ]

Victory img head lightfinger Victory img head emma

Scouts the city and burgles buildings. Cannot be attacked.

Urchin[ | ]

Game base ui img icon urchin

Infiltrates buildings.

Thug[ | ]

Game base thug head

Guards streets and buildings. Can join a gang.

Gang[ | ]

Campaign img gang head

Attacks enemies; evicts Urchins. Gets an upgrade after each kill.

Saboteur[ | ]

Game base saboteur

Traps a building or reveals a District. (One-time use.)

Truant Officer[ | ]

Campaign img truant

Evicts all Urchins from a building. (One-time use.)

Assassin[ | ]

Campaign img assassin

6 damage attack. (One-time use.)
